Birthday Poems for Boss
Birthday Poems for Boss: Lighten up the serious mood in your office by giving your boss’ birthday celebration a personal touch. Instead of the usual one-liner wishes and messages, a sweet poem on a birthday card is a great way to connect with the real human being behind your boss’ professional facade. A funny greeting has the potential to bring about a positive change in your manager-employee relationship. Reflect on your everyday life at work to come up with your original quotes that show gratitude for all the inspiration and motivation you get from your boss on a daily basis. Get all your colleagues to pool in money for an expensive gift. After all, being overtly nice on your boss’ birthday might make him or her return the favor by being nice to you all year round.
1) The best boss deserves
A celebration that is grand
And for him, that is exactly
What we have planned
From food and drinks
To gifts and greetings
So let’s stop working
And get down to partying
Happy birthday
2) Your facade is that of a tough and a mean boss
But we know that deep down inside you want
Us to succeed and the company to prosper
Which is why we tolerate all your quirky taunts
But on the good side, performance appraisals seem
Literally like a merry walk in the park
When we know that we have worked all the time
While following the instructions that you bark
Happy birthday
3) Dear boss…
There is a reason why I am
The perfect employee
There is a clear cause
For me to perform outstandingly
Hard work and determination
That reason, isn’t limited to
I owe my successes and triumphs
To an amazing boss like you
Happy birthday
4) To call a spade a spade
Isn’t an easy task
To say no when you must
Is surely a big ask
But for a super boss like you
Nothing is too tough
You can think calmly
Even in times that are rough
That is the reason why
We are lucky to have you at the helm
You have always been the best
In your domain and realm
Happy birthday boss
5) The best way for me to do new things and learn
To climb up the corporate ladder and earn
Is to constantly keep watching you
And get to know things that I never knew
Just passively observing you on a daily basis
I something that I would never miss
Less like a dominant leader, more like a mother’s love
Your leadership has always helped me rise above
Happy birthday
6) You are the man without whom
The entire office would come to a stop
Without whose guidance at work
Every agenda we would have to drop
Your presence inspires us
To keep moving on no matter what
It is because of your mentorship
That we have learnt a lot
On your birthday, dear boss
I wish that you continue
Not just to be the best yourself
But bring out the best in us too
Happy birthday
7) Dear boss…
This greeting card is a contract
To accept it, please sign on the dotted line
It promises you the best wishes
It gives you the hope that everything will be fine
But in return it requires you to be
A cool and fun boss every single day
If you manage to fulfill just this one clause
Your employees will do whatever you say
Happy birthday
8) Is a Montblanc pen a befitting gift
For a boss who has given my career such a lift
Is a Hugo Boss perfume an appropriate token
To show appreciation to a boss who is a lot of fun
Would a barbecue machine be a good touch
To honor a boss who knows so much
A gift that is the best, we both will agree
Is me being the best employee I can ever be
Happy birthday boss
9) I have been confused
Also very depressed
I have been anxious
And totally stressed
All this is over
What gift to give you
Something which is nice
And elegant too
But then I realized
No gift is befitting
For my dear boss
Who is so amazing
Happy birthday
10) On your birthday I want something from you
Your amazing ability, to never be blue
I also desperately want your capability
To be calm in times of stress or during anxiety
I want to have all those things that make you so unique
Each and every quality of yours, is what I seek
That is why I take the opportunity to say
That to get a boss like you, I am lucky in every way
Happy birthday