Thank You Notes for Boss: Messages and Quotes to Say Thanks

Inspirational quote for boss to say thank you gratitude

Thank You Notes for Boss: There are many ways in which you can say thank you to your boss. You can write a thank you letter, leave an inspirational note on your manager’s desk or appreciate your boss’ leadership by writing a motivational quote on a greeting card. You can even express your gratitude by saying something funny yet thankful during a team meeting. Whether it is Boss’ Day or your boss’ birthday, use any opportunity to thank him or her for guiding you and mentoring you all along. A few kind words are all it will take to build bridges. Always remember that bosses are grumpy, annoying, rude, tough and dominating – but they do it because even they have performance targets to meet and bosses higher up to please.


1) Boss… nothing I can say will ever convey the amount of gratitude, I owe to you for showing me how to have the right attitude. Thanks.


2) Working for you is an honor, working without you is an absolute horror. Working under you is a pleasure, an experience that I will truly treasure. Thanks boss.


3) Thanks for converting our mistakes into lessons, pressure into productivity and skills into strengths. You really know how to bring out the best in us.


4) I will never know what it feels like to work under a boss who is annoying, grumpy, irritating and always angry. But this is one work experience that I am glad not to have had – all thanks to a boss like you.


5) Dear boss… thanks for putting the needs of your employees ahead of those of the company and your own.

Motivational thank you message for boss

6) I won’t suck up to you by lying and saying that you are perfect in every way. But your support is the reason why I look forward to work every day. Thanks boss.


7) You are to us what Warren Buffet would be to an apprentice investor, Gordon Ramsay would be to an aspiring chef, David Beckham would be to an aspiring footballer and Brad Pitt would be to an aspiring actor – Demigod. Thanks boss.


8) A boss and a friend, two in one. Whoever thought that work-life would be so much fun. Thanks.


9) Apart from the decision making, communication and overall professionalism, the most important thing I have learnt from you is how to be a good human being. Thanks boss.


10) Your comments on my failures and your compliments on my performance – both motivate and inspire me to do better. Thanks boss.

Funny quote for boss problems solutions google

11) Boss… at work, you are the answer to all our problems and questions. Thank you for being our very own Google.


12) Thanks for putting pressure on me, being tough on me for my mistakes that were silly. Sometimes tough love is necessary, which is what I have learnt in my career’s journey. Thanks boss.


13) Initially, appraisals used to be synonymous with anxiety and fear. Now they are synonymous with excitement and cheer. Thanks boss.


14) Boss… I want to thank you for promoting me and giving me a raise. But more importantly, I want to thank you for identifying my skills and giving me a chance to prove my worth in this organization.


15) Salary is one thing but real job satisfaction comes from the praises and appraisals given by a boss who is a true mentor. Thanks.

Cute thank you quote for boss pilot monthly targets

16) Boss, you are the pilot who helps us fly through monthly targets and appraisals. Thanks.


17) Just like how all trees need water to grow and all humans need air to live, companies need bosses like you to survive and prosper. Thanks for being our lifeline.


18) You don’t lose your temper even when we make mistakes. Instead, you motivate us to fix them no matter how many tries it takes. Thanks boss.


19) I am saying this not just because I have just got a raise. But I have always believed that you are a boss worthy of praise. Thank you.


20) You lead your employees and get them to follow your vision without being dominating and annoying. Thanks for showing us that respect is always deserved, never commanded or forced.

Boss day greeting card message thank you letter

21) As our boss, you are highly motivational. As a human being, you are truly inspirational. Thanks.


22) You make me feel like a million bucks every time you ask me for my opinion on something important, although I know that sometimes you do it only to make me feel nice. Thanks for being such a wonderful boss.


23) Boss… most managers just worry about the company’s profitability. Thank you for also keeping your employees happy.


24) You are the one who makes month end, performance reviews and KPIs actually worth looking forward to. Thanks boss.


25) You weren’t going to get anything out of pushing me, to be an exceptional employee – but you still invested your time in me. Thank you for mentoring me every step of the way.

Thank you note for Boss

26) Dear boss… unlimited patience, heaps of tolerance. To offer support, always a sport. Contagious attitude, never angry or rude. Inspirational personality, almost like a celebrity. This is why you are, our office’s star. Thank you.


27) Thanks for knowing exactly when to cut us some slack and when to come cracking down on us. Are you a psychic in disguise?


28) Let me confess that sometimes I find it hard to cope up with your idiosyncrasies. But that makes me wonder how you manage to cope up with the idiosyncrasies of tens of employees like us. Thanks for having sky high tolerance levels boss.


29) As long as I have to spend time with a boss like you in the office, I don’t mind even if 9 to 5 becomes 9 to 9. Thanks for making work enjoyable.


30) From being nothing to something, I have traveled a long journey under your guidance. Thanks boss.

Quote to say thank you to boss

31) From mentoring new team members to counseling employees’ personal issues. From supporting colleagues unconditionally to helping those facing workplace blues – thanks for showing that no matter how hard bosses crack the whip, they need to have a strong human side to their leadership.


32) You motivate your employees, you take tough decisions. You support your colleagues, you are a true inspiration. Thanks boss.


33) After working with a flawless boss like you, I have started feeling a little left out when I am with my friends.  Every time they say bad things about their bosses, I really have nothing to say. Thanks for making me feel like an outcast.


34) My cubicle feels like my second home –comfortable and relaxed yet productive and efficient. All thanks to a chilled out boss like you.


35) Stories of what an amazing boss you are, have gone viral in my family. Thanks for being a cool boss.

Thank you card message to boss from employee

36) My skills and talent would have gone with me to the grave, if you hadn’t spotted them and inspired me to go forth and be brave. Thanks boss.


37) My monthly targets do not come in the form of numbers and charts – they come in the form of praises from my boss. Thanks.


38) It is one thing to be a boss, another thing to be a mentor but a completely different thing to be a leader. We are proud to be led by a boss, mentor and manager like you. Thanks for everything.


39) The biggest problem in having an extraordinary boss like you is that I will never be happy working for anyone else. Thanks, but you have really limited my career options because I have no other option but to follow you wherever you go.


40) There are two things we never have to deal with – bullying at work and dealing with office politics. Simply because we have a boss who is just so terrific. Thanks.