Birthday Poems for Boss

Inspirational birthday greeting card poems for boss

11) Today I have much more than

Birthday wishes to offer

Showing you my gratefulness

Will be my humble endeavor

Your image in my mind

Is all about respect and admiration

Working under your guidance

Is pure, unadulterated inspiration

Your advice has been instrumental

In shaping my career and vision

Your motivational words have fueled

My dreams and my ambition

Happy birthday


12) We all are a bit nervous

Since our boss is so meticulous

All the preparations should be perfect

With no scope of anything being incorrect

There is a little bit of anxiety

As our boss always expects propriety

But we are super confident

That our boss is going to be jubilant

When he sees his birthday party

Our love for him, he will see

Happy birthday


13) Top bosses like you must be

Used to celebrating birthdays in luxury

Sipping vintage wines in an elegant venue

We wish we could do that too

But our party for you will be humble

Small and modest, but very special

As we wish you well for your life and career

We remind you that we’ll always be here

Happy birthday boss


14) Without you, dear boss

Our office would have been at a loss

You have helped us keep our sanity

And managed us all so perfectly

For this, you deserve a standing ovation

But we will give that to you on one condition

On your birthday you must take a break and unwind

Otherwise you will get a piece of our minds

Happy birthday


15) I have really enjoyed

Working with you, touch wood

And I am not saying this

Just to make you feel good

I have gained a lot

Learning from you, touch wood

You mentored me and taught me

Everything you possibly could

I want continue rising and become

A boss like you, touch wood

I know it is possible, because

All your advice I have clearly understood

Happy birthday


16) Very few professionals

Find perfect managers like you

Thankfully, I am one of those employees

Who has found a boss like you with ease

In this job, wages and salary are a small part

As compared to how you gave my career a kick-start

More than that, getting a chance to work

Under a boss like you is the biggest perk

Happy birthday


17) Whenever I talk to my son

There is one thing I tell him as rule number one

To be the best that he can ever be

This, I have learnt from you observantly

Then I describe to him what you are all about

How you know when to follow the rules and when to flout

I tell him that he should be ambitious too

And grow up to be a manager and a boss just like you

Happy birthday


18) It is time to stack

All the paperwork away

The moment has arrived

To keep worries about work at bay

As we take the pub down the block by storm

And crack open a few beers

As we celebrate the birthday of a wonderful boss

Raise a toast to him and say cheers

Happy birthday boss


19) To an amazing boss like you

I say kudos

You have seen us through

All highs and lows

The worst in us that was

And the best which is yet to be

Only you had the potential

To spot and to see

How can we possibly convey

Our gratitude and thanks

To a person who has been

The aim of our office pranks

All we can say is that

You a wonderful boss

Without your presence

We would be at a loss

Happy birthday


20)  Shrug your shoulders

Shirk away all responsibility

Today is your birthday

Lots of fun, we want your day to be

Loosen your tie

Push your laptop away

In the office today

We don’t want you to stay

Relax, enjoy, chill, rejuvenate

Just think about how luck you are

To have employees like us in your fate

Happy birthday