Birthday Poems for Friends

Sweet poem about friendship

Birthday Poems for Friends: Friends deserve much more than a silly quote on a stock greeting card picked up from the supermarket shelves. Prove your friendship by writing a sweet poem on a birthday card for your friend. Think of all the cute and funny moments that you have spent together. Weave your poem around those sweet memories to create a rhyme that is worthy of your bond with your bestie. Write it down on a handwritten note and flood your friend’s Facebook, Twitter and inbox with it. Time will wither away as the years go by, but the sublime chime of your heart-warming words will ring in your friend’s heart forever.


1) All my regrets

Our friendship amends

But you are not

Just my friend

My life’s pulse

My heart’s beat

What makes even

Bitter taste sweet

Trending always

Forgotten never

You are truly

A friend forever

Happy birthday


2) Life is worth looking forward to

Because friends like you are around

Life is worth living

Because you keep my mood from going down

Life has so much meaning

Because you are there to share every emotion

Life has so much depth

Because you make it a celebration

In short, life is livable

Just because you are my friend

On your birthday

Lots of hugs, to you I send



3) Friends are forever

But we will last a lot more

Limits that go beyond time

Our friendship will explore

Friends are for a lifetime

But we will reach eternity

Our friendship is the best thing

The world will ever see

Happy birthday


4) The best keepsake that I’ve got

The best personal diary

The best memoir in my life

Is you, my dearest buddy

The best part of the yearbook

The best ever photo album

Is filled with all the memories

Of our friendship so awesome

Happy birthday


5) To my dear friend…

I have seen you grow

From strength to strength

To progress with your hard work

I’ve seen you go to all lengths

To make something of your life

I’ve seen you toil away

To reach the height of the skies

I’ve seen you working night and day

On your birthday I wish

You achieve more and more

Hoping that the game of your life

Turns into a perfect score

Happy birthday


6) You and I, are not just friends

You and I, are not just mates

Because we have shared everything

From money to cars to dates

You and I, are not just pals

You and I, are not just buddies

Because we have done everything together

From games to jobs to studies

You and I, are much more

You and I, are friends in a way

But I like to think of us as siblings

And on that note, happy birthday


7) You will always be

Until eternity

My best friend forever

Apart from me, never

Always, I do

Find solace in you

Again and again

You bail me out of pain

There is nothing

To keep me from smiling

As long as you are

Here, and not far

Happy birthday


8) Life was dull and incomplete

With bad company, it was replete

I had no one to talk to

Friends to hang out with, were few

But then you came along

Like the melody of a sweet song

And turned my life around

Since then, I have never been down

To such a special friend, today

I have something to say

Among everyone I know, old and new

The most special, is no one but you

Happy birthday


9) Bullies don’t affect me much

Tough assignments don’t bother me as such

Nasty gossip doesn’t touch me

The point of making fun of others I don’t see

As long as I have friends like you

I know that only good companionship will ensue

That’s how fond of you, I am my dear friend

On your birthday, a great day I hope you spend

Happy birthday


10) You are a friend, you are a mate

My need for companionship, you satiate

You are a pal, you are a buddy

You keep me from being fuddy-duddy

You are a chum, a partner in crime

With you, I love spending my time

Precious, valuable and priceless

You bring in my life, nothing but happiness

Happy birthday

Cute friendship poem for friend's birthday card

11) If life is an ocean

You are the water

If life is a feast

You are the platter

If life is a tranquil sunset

You are the seashore

If life is a cozy home

You are the welcoming door

If life is a mountain

You are the pristine view

My life, dear friend

Is nothing without you

Happy birthday


12) Do you know why I love Facebook

So that on your life, I can keep a constant look

Do you know why I love Twitter

So I can send you sweet tweets when you are bitter

Do you know why I love Pinterest

So I can show you quirky images, that are the best

Now you know why I love social networks

Keeping a tab on friends like you, is the biggest perk



13) Buddies in storms

Buddies in calm

To each other we are

Like a healing balm

Buddies in trouble

Buddies in happiness

Our friendship

Is so priceless

Happy birthday


14) You are like the cushion to life

The soft comforter

Who eases all the pain and hurt

And makes life so much better

You are like the fireplace

That gives warmth in winter

You reach the depths of my heart

Making life so much balmier

Every comparison that I make

Will fall much shorter

To the kind of friend you’ve been

A pal like no other

Happy birthday


15) Of everyone else, you are the most awesome kid

The best friend anyone can have, on that I can bid

As a person, you are nothing less than a cool dude

I’ve always been jealous of your free spirited attitude

With this birthday, as you become an year older

For support, I promise you will always have my shoulder

Just promise me back that you will keep smiling, like always

And from me, you will never go away

Happy birthday


16) The bond between me and you

Will never go away

It has become a deep connection

That will forever stay

You are the one, my dear friend

Who I have always looked up to

Without your love and support

I just don’t know what I would do

Happy birthday


17) My dear friend…

We have been in

Different places for a while

Even then we haven’t failed

To make each other smile

We have been very busy

In our own routines

Even then, pillars for each other

We have always been

Although different paths

In our lives we have chosen

For each other, we’ll always be

Life’s priority number one

Happy birthday


18) We have known each other since we were small

Every bit of the way, we’ve had a ball

During our awesome teenage years

As friends, we got closer and nearer

Then finally when we started getting bigger

We sorted all of life’s problems together

Happy birthday to my lifelong friend

More time with whom, I crave to spend


19) Everyone wants to add you on Facebook

Because you are the coolest teen

All the boys run around you

Because you are the beauty queen

But I want to give you this card

Because you are the coolest friend

Our bond is above all

Because the beauty of friendship transcends

Happy birthday


20) You are an amazing person

You are a real friend

You make the complexities of my life

Easier to comprehend

Today, all your friends are happy

To see you so cheerful and bubbly

We wish your birthday comes every day

So that this smile on your face, always stays

Happy birthday

Heart birthday greeting card message for best friend

21) Friendship with you

Gives my life a beat

Friendship with you

Is always so sweet

Friendship with you

Keeps getting better

Friendship with you

Is for now and forever

Happy birthday


22) You still have your naughty ways

Which reminds me of our childhood days

When we used to have so much fun

With all the crazy stuff we had done

Things are no different now

With you, I still have fun and how

For a jovial friend like you, I pray

That you have a fantastic birthday


23) Pictures of camping trips and vacations that we took

I have put for everyone to see on my Facebook

Incidents of all our embarrassing moments and unachievable feats

I have gone ahead and written about in my tweets

Pictures of us both at parties and our college fest

I have put up on Instagram and Pinterest

Our bond shows what real friendship really means

Friends like us, no one has ever seen

Happy birthday


24) From the time we were

Together in kindergarten

To the time we grew up

And became someone

From the time we had

Our lunches together

To the time we dreamt of

New and ambitious endeavors

From childhood to teenage

And teenage to adulthood

We’ve been the only ones

Each other who’ve understood

Kudos to our friendship

That has stood the test of time

I wish that we always have

A bond which is sublime

Happy birthday


25) I couldn’t find a greeting card

That conveyed my wishes perfectly

I couldn’t find a poem online

That expressed my feelings correctly

I couldn’t find a birthday gift

That could represent my emotions precisely

That is why I wrote this original poem

To tell you what you mean to me exactly



26) As you celebrate one more year of joy

Don’t forget to include me in your festivity

It is because of friends like you

That my life is likely to have good longevity

As you arrange for your birthday party

Don’t forget to send me an invite

My presence will virtually guarantee

That you will have an awesome night

Happy birthday


27) Whether it is night or day

Friends, we will always stay

Whether it is summer or fall

Our friendship will always stand tall

Whether we face good fortune or bad luck

With each other, we will always be stuck

Happy birthday to such a wonderful friend

May out friendship never end


28) Today I stepped out

To buy a gift for you

But befitting presents

I found very few

For there is nothing

That matches the value

Of a friend who is

So loyal and true

Happy  birthday


29) It’s time to celebrate

The birth of a man

Of whom I have been

And always will remain a fan

The one who has been

With me from the start

Who has never given

Our friendship a reason to thwart

This man that I adore

I call my best buddy

Here’s raising a toast

To all the happiness yet to be

Happy birthday


30) The best way to celebrate

The birthday of a mate

Is to party the night away

And raise our glasses to say

That as you are growing old

You are becoming precious, like gold

In my life, I will keep you safe and secure

Because our friendship is so pure

Happy birthday