Inspirational messages for weight loss: Motivation for losing weight
Inspirational messages for weight loss: For most men and women, losing weight is not an easy journey. It takes many months of regular workouts and a healthy diet to get back in shape. From there on, weight loss eventually becomes more of a lifestyle choice and less of an obsession about pounds, kilos, inches and dress sizes. If you know someone who is trying hard to lose weight, help them on their way to a slimmer and healthier body by sending motivational quotes as texts, pins on Pinterest, tweets and messages on Facebook. Your friends and family deserve all the support and encouragement they can get, especially when it comes to something as life-changing as weight loss.
1) If weight loss is your dream, make workouts your reality.
2) Losing weight is hard but carrying that weight around is harder. The choice is yours.
3) Losing weight is easier than you think. It is a battle with your MIND and the best part is that you already know its STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES.
4) Exercising may seem like the biggest CHORE today, but the lack of it will be the biggest REGRET tomorrow.
5) Your workouts don’t make you a prisoner within the gym walls. They liberate you and give you freedom from the clutches of obesity.
6) Losing weight is like running a marathon. Most people give up only a few miles before the finish line.
7) Yes, a 30 minute workout is painful, uncomfortable, yucky and sweaty. But a regular 30 minute workout will be all it takes to make your life anything but painful, uncomfortable, yucky and sweaty.
8) Watching the pounds disappear on the scales is just a small part of losing weight. Slipping into that tight dress, pairing it with sky high stilettos and walking down the street as if you own the world – this is what losing weight is all about.
9) Stop losing your mind over your weight and start losing sweat.
10) Losing weight is not about the pounds and inches. It is about being what you have always wanted to be.
11) Should you go the gym today or not? That is the most ridiculous question of the decade.
12) It is never about whether you CAN lose weight. It is always about whether you WANT to lose weight.
13) Be miserable for 30 minutes in the gym or be miserable for the rest of your life.
14) Weight loss is never about believing in diet plans or believing in personal trainers. It is only about believing in yourself.
15) A NO and a YES is all it takes to lose weight. Say NO to sitting on the couch, say YES to working out. Say NO to crazy diet plans, say YES to freshly cooked meals. Say NO to your naysayers, say YES to your inner voice.
16) Today’s workout will become tomorrow’s body.
17) Do you go to work only on the days when you feel like it? Then why would you miss a workout when you are not feeling up for it?
18) You risk losing your Pride if you don’t work out and remain fat. But the only thing you risk losing when you work out to lose weight is your Sweat.
19) Don’t work out because the doctor advised it. Don’t exercise because all your friends are doing it. Don’t go to the gym because your partner forced you to. Work out because your body deserves it.
20) Make a sports bra and compression leggings your best friends and you will never have to worry about weight gain again.
21) Stop thinking about being skinny. Stop thinking about being curvy. Just start thinking about being healthy.
22) Losing weight is all about forgetting who you are and remembering who you want to be.
23) Don’t feel like working out? Just remind yourself how you will feel after a workout.
24) Never go on a fad diet. Make it your permanent lifestyle.
25) BURN your fat. The only thing which will feel HOT is your body.
26) Work out so that when you walk into a room, people go WOW. Work out so that when you go to the beach, everyone goes WOW. Work out so that when you wear that beautiful dress to a wedding, everyone goes WOW. Work out so that when you drop your pants, your husband goes WOW. Still need more reasons to work out?
27) Weight loss is not about forgetting your love for food. It is about having the same amount of love for working out.
28) Feeling lazy? Just go to the gym and come back. Even that, is better than sitting in front of the TV.
29) Keep running until you tire out the treadmill. Don’t worry, you won’t drown in your sweat.
30) Think of all the times you stopped yourself from having a sweet treat because of your weight. Exercising is your chance to eat everything guilt-free while being fat-free and carefree.
31) Working out and eating right creates a debt which your body will repay in the coming months in the form of a HOT BODY.
32) Fat, chubby and obese – forget what you have been called your entire life so far. Hot, sexy and beautiful – just remember what you will be called for the rest of your life from now on.
33) The only thing between you and a hot body is your will to get up, put on your running shoes and go out to get your life back.
34) Working out is the only anti-ageing cream you need. Hit the gym and start shedding off the pounds, the inches and the years.
35) The beautiful city of Rome wasn’t built in a day, but that didn’t stop the Romans from building it. Bringing back your original beauty and body won’t happen in days, weeks or months. It will take a long time. It will be a tough journey. It will tire you out. But in the end, it will all be worth it.